Netflix: 44 series and movies debut this week in streaming

Resultado de imagem para Agenda Netflix: 44 séries e filmes estreiam esta semana no streaming
Every week Netflix takes some titles from its catalog, but also receives new series and movies almost daily. That's why on Wednesdays, we'll look at the full list of what's streaming in the next 7 days, so you do not have to waste time looking for the news. Fans of singer Taylor Swift will be able to escape the Turnaround Show as the Taylor Swift Reputation Stadium Tour debuts on Netflix on New Year's Eve. Already on the first day of 2019, arrives the 3rd (and last) season of Misadventures in Series, with the end of the history of Count Olaf (Neil Patrick Harris) and the young Baudelaire. Check out the highlights, dates and complete list of newcomers between December 27 and January 3. Next week, there's more Netflix Agenda!
