Which 5G smartphones should arrive in 2019?

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The 5G revolution is almost here as early as 2019. Check out the list of 5G super-fast smartphone product launches that support technology from leading manufacturers. Earlier this month, chip maker Qualcomm introduced its latest Snapdragon 855 processor, which would allow future smartphones to connect to the latest generation of mobile technology, known as 5G. The biggest initial wave of 5G implementation is likely to be in 2019 and 2020, and carriers around the world are laying the groundwork for deploying a faster, more expansive wireless network. it's true that many industries will benefit from faster connectivity - standalone cars, drones, virtual reality and the Internet of things to name a few - most people will probably experience the benefits of a robust 5G network only through a 5G smartphone able. After all, the big promises that Qualcomm and the carriers are making with 5G coverage does not mean much if you can not access the network with your own device. Some companies, such as Lenovo, have already launched a 5G compatible device. US carrier AT & T is selling a 5G hotspot router and Verizon has launched its 5G broadband into selected areas. Meanwhile, other companies have announced specific targets for 5G. 5G Smartphones expected to arrive in 2019 To help you know when the 5G smartphones will be available, here's what major manufacturers have announced (or not, there are also rumors) about their 5G phone plans so far. Read in detail: Which 5G smartphones should arrive in 2019 ?.



Apple is in no hurry to launch an iPhone 5G - do not expect one in 2019 or maybe until 2020. Save to drop the headset (the iPhone 7 was one of the first iPhones not to have one). Apple is not usually the first in mobile trends, preferring to perfect an emerging technology before committing to it. Recall that at the launch of 4G, the manufacturer took a lot compared to other companies in the industry. So, as long as there is not a flurry of Android 5G smartphones in 2019, do not expect Apple to launch a device that supports the new technology. 


In August, Samsung said it is working with South Korean telecoms companies to launch its first 5G phone, adding that this device will not be the main Galaxy S10. Instead, rumors indicate that the device may be the Galaxy S10 Plus. Until then, Samsung will launch several smartphones with 5G support. AT & T has announced that it will collaborate with two Samsung 5G handsets by the second half of 2019. Verizon and Sprint have also confirmed that they will partner with the handset maker to launch 5G handsets by next year.
Google Pixel

Google has not revealed its plans for 5G. What we do know is that US phone operator Verizon said it is planning to launch its 5G network in early 2019, similar to other carriers. What does this have to do exactly with Google? In recent years, the company has chosen Verizon as its exclusive carrier partner for its Pixel phones, including the new Pixel 3, although the company also sells the unlocked phone or on its first Wi-Fi network, Google Fi. That could mean that the next top Google line, supposedly called Pixel 4, could be 5G. If you stick to the usual release schedule, Pixel 4 will be released in October 2019.
